What The Heck Is Discipline?

So many people worry about how to discipline their kids; many books are written by child “experts” giving all kind of methods, some useful, some pathetic. And you can find myriads of suggestions on line. So, let me put in my two cents worth, after all, Mary and I have raised four kids and I have spent almost 4 decades advising parents about all kinds of things, including discipline.

Before one even has children it is important to stop and ask, what is discipline?

Discipline comes from the Latin and means “to follow”, (like we follow the teaching of Mao, Stalin, or Christ,) or “to pupil” as a verb like “I will pupil you” – a bit awkward in today’s language! There is also a noun discipline which is a field of study such as Ancient History, Biology, Medicine, or law.

Unfortunately, many people only think of discipline as punishing or controlling others.

But, let’s go back to its meaning as “following”; then it is obvious that the best and perhaps the only way that we can discipline others is to be the person we want them to become. If I am a great scientist, I will mentor my students to be like me, great scientists. If I am a theologian I will train and teach my students to be great theologians. Likewise if I am a man, or woman, of character I will, through my actions, teach my children to be men and women of character.
Bottom line: be the person you want your child to become!!