Much Needed Relaxation

Mary and I had the privilege of hearing the Nashville Symphony last night. What an inspiring night it was! Because of the May 1st flood they were not playing at the Schermerhorn, which is still under repair, but in the smaller War Memorial Hall.
As the Conductor came on stage the entire symphony rose to greet him. He bowed to the audience and without turning waved his “magic wand” and a drum roll began. Then he spun around, as only he can, and with another flick of his wrist the orchestra, still standing, broke into the National Anthem. We were in the very back row and could hear the entire hall filled with those tear jerking words, “… that our flag was still there….” What a fitting tribute for the eve of 9/11, and what a way to start a weekend.

After the intermission we were treated to Beethoven’s Ninth. It was wonderful! I wondered if they would sing the “Ode to Joy” in German or English; and how were they going to sing it with only a quartet sitting in front of the Orchestra. The quartet began and was accompanied by hundreds of voices, which I had not seen, in the Balcony on both sides of the stage. What a spectacular sound. What a spectacular evening!

As great as the symphony was, I especially enjoyed it because it kept me from thinking that Sunday is my book release party. Will I be ready? What should I talk about? How long should I talk? What should I read from the book? How should I sign the books? How much will the Titans game interfere with the signing. How many, (if any) people will be there? This is not my first book-signing, but it is my first with this book. More questions than answers, but for two and a half hours my mind was somewhere else, enjoying the greatest music ever written being performed by one of our countries greatest orchestras. Maybe that’s why God created music!