How do kids learn

I was talking to a High School senior some time ago who told me his dad had never been a part of his life. I expressed my sorrow for him and added that I felt more sorry for his dad. “I have only known you for a short time,” I told him. “Yet, I have enjoyed our time together. I can only imagine how much your dad has missed out of in his life. I’ve been a son and a dad, being a dad is lots more fun. He missed the best part of his life!”
“Then again,” I continued, “You missed a chance to learn things from your dad. That’s important, too.”
“Not really,” he corrected me. “I learned more from him without seeing him than I would have from him being here!”
“How’s that? I asked.
“I learned how NOT to be a dad!’ he declared.
Yes, in spite of all the faults we attribute to teens, there are a lot of really great ones out there! Get to know them. Celebrate them!