Good Coaches Love Their Players

Mary and I went to one of our grand son’s football dinner Monday evening. It was a thrill and a great pleasure to hear the coach say good things about all 150+ kids. But it wasn’t because all the boys were good, that I felt that warmth in my heart, it was because Coach’s real love for them was so genuine you could feel it. I got a tear in my eye when he said, “I just can’t wait to see what this man does in college.” Or, “I know you all know what a great football player he is, but did you know he can play any instrument you can name? And he entertains his youth group with his singing!”

The boys (according to our grand son) all love this big man and would do anything for him. They proved that by a 14 and 1 season losing only the state championship game.It was probably one of the best football games I have ever seen. Fortunately it was shown on TV.

Kids, especially those living without love in the home, need this type of loving mentorship.
Any one want to volunteer? There are so many places you can spread love. Try the boys and girls clubs, the boy scouts, after school programs, or a youth program at your church or local school.
You’ll find mentoring is as rewarding for you as it is for those whom you mentor.

If you have experienced love like this as a mentor, a volunteer, or as a recipient, please share your experience with us! Comment below!