Black lives mater, blue lives matter, white lives matter, or do any lives matter?


Baby_boy,_one_month_oldIt pains me to have to write this, but the time has come. Just the facts, judge for yourself.

For many years I have been tormented by the large and increasing number of murders committed by our young people. Heck, by all our people young or old.

It seems politicians, news reporters, and good folks all over are finally becoming interested in finding the cause and solution. I have finally figured out one cause, it’s up to all of us to work on a solution. Let me explain.

We have lost respect for life all across our nation and our world.

If Black lives matter then why do 40% of pregnant Black women choose to kill (I call things like they are because I’m not politically correct enough to say abort or terminate) their babies. From 1973 to 2012, according to the CDC, 354,000 Black people have had violent deaths.  Pardon me, for being PC on that one. (If you choose you say they were killed.) 245,000 more died of AIDS, 2.6 million of cancer, and 2.7 million died of heart disease. Yet, 15,500,000 died of abortion. Black women make up approximately 13% of our population but have 35% of abortions.

White lives, not much different. Of the 60,000,000 abortions performed since Roe v.Wade 37% killed white babies. Looks like we have no respect for them either. Now I can’t comment on how many police officers have abortions, but the lack of respect for babies spreads like mold slime across the entire population.

First abortions were allowed only to kill babies who presented as a threat to their mother’s health, (yet in the half century I have been in medicine I have never seen or heard of a mother who was going to die because of the pregnancy for which there wasn’t another medical way to deal with the mother’s health), then doctors were allowed to kill babies that were defective (If my history teachers were correct, Hitler had his henchmen kill lots of defective babies and adults to “purify the race”.) Soon abortions were allowed at any time during the pregnancy for any reason.

Because of all this sanctioned killing, we have become a culture of death, killing has become a way of life.

And therein lies the problem. If we do not respect the lives of the smallest, most dependent, helpless persons, how can respect the lives of others? No lives matter, anymore!

I am at a loss to find anything in the US Constitution that gives women the right to hire someone to kill their babies, not do I find a clause allowing others to sell that “service.” Truth is that there is nothing in the Constitution justifying abortion!

Neither can I understand how anyone, let alone any God fearing person (Remember Thou Shall Not Kill.) can support or vote for any government official who supports abortion on demand. What kind of inhumane beasts have we become?

P.S. I know this post will offend some people, and I am sorry that it will. But nothing I can say will be as offensive as killing a helpless, innocent baby!

God bless you all, pray for peace.